Mitridate, Kgl. teater, Köpenhamn 2022

"Einarsdóttir eminently mastered the curved legato lines and the animated bravura technique. But the most poignant song she sang in the third act's scene with the poison cup she has been ordered to empty"

(Einarsdóttir beherskede fornemt de svungne legato linjer og den animerede bravura teknik. Med mest gribende sang hun i tredjeaktens scene med giftbægeret)

- Valdemar Lønsted, Information, April 12th 2022

"Elísabet and Morten Grove Frandsen, who sing Mitridate's chosen Aspasia and his rebellious son Farnace, are two of the show's strongest singers

(...) The soprano voices of Emöke Baráth and Elísabet Einarsóttir's were wonderful in the opera's duet"

(Elísabet og Morten Grove Frandsen, der synger Mitridates udkårne Aspasia og hans oprørske søn Farnace, er to af forestillingens stærkeste sangere (...) Stemmer som Emöke Baráth of Elísabet Einarsóttirs sopraner var vidunderlige i operaens duet)

- Thomas Michelsen, Politiken, April 12th 2022

Infinitely beautiful and captivating, Einarsdottir starts the opera and shuts us into Mitridate's absurd and escapist world (..) The vast majority of the music in Mitridate is arias (solo pieces), with the exception of a single duet that is sung enchantingly beautiful and heartbreaking by Einarsdottir and Barath at the end of the 2nd act.

(Uendelig smukt og fængslende starter hun operaen og lukker os ind i Mitridates absurde og eskapistiske verden (..) Langt størstedelen af musikken i Mitridate er arier (solostykker), med undtagelse af en enkelt duet, der synges helt fortryllende smukt og hjerteskærende af Einarsdottir og Barath i slutningen af 2. akt.)

- Simone Zwicky, Den 4. væg, April 12th 2022

A Midsummernight's dream, Malmö Opera 2021

"Incredibly accurate coloratura soprano"

(Makalöst träffsäker koloratursopran)

- Sofia Nyblom, Dagens nyheter, October 8th 2021

"The fairy queen Elisabet Einarsdottir has a shiny straight soprano. Titania's coloratura playing parts easily floats on top of the orchestra"

(Älvdrottningen Elisabet Einarsdottir har en glänsande rak sopran. Titanias koloraturlekande partier lägger sig med lätthet ovanpå orkestern)

- Åsa Mälhammar, Tidskriften Opera, November 21st 2021

"Luckily, Tytania's big role was done so authoritatively and warmly by Elisabet Einarsdottir, with considerable experience of handling the Malmö stage"

(Lyckosamt att Tytanias stora roll gjordes så auktorativt och varmt av Elisabet Einarsdottir, med avsevärd erfarenhet av att hantera Malmöscenen)

- Mattias Gejrot, Ystad Allehanda, October 3rd 2021

Cosi fan tutti, Skåneturné hösten 2020

"Elisabet Einarsdóttir's silver clear coloraturas that thrives up in the heights is one of the highlights of the evening"

(Elisabet Einarsdóttirs silverklara koloratur som trivs uppe i höjden tillhör kvällens höjdpunkter)

- Martina Jarminder, Skånska dagbladet, September 13th 2020

"Elisabet clubs down almost everyone in her raging aria"

(Elisabet klubbar nästan samtliga i sin raseriaria)

- Sune Johannesson, Kristianstadsbladet, October 7th 2020

Vår bästa tid Anniversary Tour, South Sweden, fall of 2019

"Exquisitely powerful voices and already distinct and courageous stage characters had the three sopranos Elisabet Einarsdottir, Saara Rauvala and Kristine Nowlain"

(Utsökta kraftfulla röster och redan distinkta och frimodiga scenkaraktärer hade de tre sopranerna Elisabet Einarsdottir, Saara Rauvala och Kristine Nowlain)

- Mattias Gejrot, Ystads Allehanda, October 4th 2019

OVIS-rösten (Competition 2018)

"Elisabet demonstrates a great musicality and stage presence. She has a very beautiful voice with delicate coloraturas and an impressive technique"

(Elisabet uppvisar stor musikalitet och scenisk närvaro. Har en mycket klangskön röst med utsökta koloraturer och en imponerande teknik)

- Motivation from the jury, November 2018

Errata/Elektra, Reykjavik, January 2016:

"[Elisabet Einarsdottir] frequently sings new music and seems to have a fantastic ear, which is necessary in atonal music. (...) Elisabet is a fantastic soprano, with a great stage presence and acting talent which was shown here, especially in the last work - and is sure to take her far. (…) Elisabet showed that she is a potential opera star.”

(Hún er iðin við að syngja nýja tónlist enda virðist hún hafa frábært eyra, sem er bráðnauðsynlegt þegar sungin er atónal tónlist. (...) Elísabet er frábær sópransöngkona, með mikla sviðsnærveru og leikhæfileika sem nutu sín vel, og sértaklega í síðasta stykkinu – og eiga örugglega eftir að fleyta henni langt. (...) Elísabet sýndi í þessu verki að hér er á ferð efni í óperustjörnu.)

-Ingibjörg Eyþórsdóttir, Þræðir - tímarit um tónlist (tidskrift om musik) nr. 1, 2016

"[Elisabet's] singing was particularly skillful and energetic."

(Söngurinn var ákaflega vandaður og tilþrifamikill)

-Jónas Sen, Fréttablaðið, 30January 2016

Konsert med Norrköpings symfoniorkester, De Geer-hallen, August 2016:

"Among these three excellent, young soloists, Einarsdóttir shone even more with her outstanding coloraturas in Mozart's Mitridate - these breathless climbs over the notes in this wonderful poignant opera style."

(Bland dessa tre förträffliga, unga solister lyste Einarsdóttir extra starkt med sina enastående koloraturer i Mozarts Mitridate – denna andtrutna vansinnesklättring över tonerna i underbart pregnant operastil.)

-Catrin Villaume Fägerstrand, Norrköpings Tidningar, 28 August 2016

Vadstena Akademien ”Kär och galen”, Vadstena Castle, Summer 2016

"In Comala it was the soprano, Hanna Fritzson, as Comala, and Elisabet Einarsdottir, who sang Desagrena's role, who impressed the most."

(I Comala var det sopranerna, Hanna Fritzson, som Comala, och Elisabet Einarsdottir, som sjöng Desagrenas parti, som imponerade mest.)

- Mogens H. Andersson,

"The singing was generally very good - in addition to the two protagonists, Elisabet Einarsdóttir and Sigrid Vetleseter Bøe are absolutely magnificent - just like the fine chamber orchestra."

(Sånginsatserna är över lag mycket bra – förutom de två huvudrollsinnehavarna är Elisabet Einarsdóttir och Sigrid Vetleseter Bøe fullkomligt magnifika – liksom den fina kammarorkestern.)

- Dagens Nyheter, Nicholas Ringskog Ferrada-Noli, 24 July 2016

The Marriage of Figaro, Kurtheater Bad Ems, Germany, September 2014

"Another stroke of luck: the Icelandic soprano Elisabet Einarsdottir as Susanna with wonderfully clean and clear timbre."

(Ein weiterer Glücksgriff: die isländische Soprantistin Elisabet Einarsdottir als Susanna mit wunderbar reinem, hellem Timbre.)

- Karl Haxel, Rhein-Zeitung, 9 september 2014